
Hi! I'm Tatiana Nisenboym.

I live in New York City.

I have a strong passion for health, fitness, and wellbeing. I believe in loving yourself every step of the way while you work toward your goal.

Health is defined as the state of being free from illness or injury.

To me, health is so much more than that. It is about feeling your best day in and day out. It is about having a clear mind. It is about having a purpose. It is about being happy. It is about satisfying the needs of your body. It is about being the best version of yourself you can be.

How can vitality be achieved?

Through a whole foods, plant-based diet with a regular exercise regime you ENJOY, and a positive mindset.

After seeing how shifting to a plant-based diet could change my life, I decided that I wanted to share my passion with others.

And so, I dedicate myself to helping you revive your health effortlessly.